I had originally started off with a Morse code translator for my LED project. However, after some thought I decided to change my project to listen for twitter mentions and blink the LED accordingly. The raspberry pi monitors my Twitter account, and if anyone sends a tweet containing my Twitter username, the pi will blink the LED as well as display the message in the python shell.
The following link was my guide and starting point for this project:
When coding this project, I ran into a few problems. I was getting errors from python because I did not update and install the twitter packages to python correctly. It had appeared that everything was installed correctly at first but after doing some research I realized that Python 3, which I was coding in, required separate commands to install the packages. The other problem I ran into had to do with a print statement. It was a very simple solution when I finally figured out that Python 3 used parentheses after the print command while they are not present in python 2.
Below is my final updated code: