Sunday, February 7, 2016


In my LED project, I was required to set up an LED light show using the raspberry pi and python coding. I used the following chart as a reference when wiring my LEDs:

I started with one LED on a breadboard connected to the pi and tested several on/off commands in the console. Afterwards I added more LEDs and lit them according to the instructions given to me. At first I had a little bit of trouble figuring out how to code four LEDs to blink simultaneously, however, I eventually figured out that the solution to the problem was much more simple than I originally thought. Once I figured this out I was able to use what I learned in order to create my light show using six LEDs.

This project consists of:
- 6 LED lights
- 6 220 ohm resistors
- jumper cables
- breadboard (w/ T-cobbler)
- raspberry pi

Steps to build:
1. Use jumper cable or T-cobbler to connect the GPIO pins of the raspberry pi to the breadboard
2. Insert 6 LED's in a row on the breadboard, with the short leg going to ground and the long leg to a resistor
3. Wire the other ends of the resistors to GPIO 18, 23, 24, 25, 19, and 22.

This is a video of a very basic light show:

These are pictures of my LED/breadboard setup:

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