Sunday, March 13, 2016


For my main project, I have decided to turn my raspberry pi into a motion sensing device, capable of detecting the motion of a door (or anything else). When this project is complete, it should be attached to a door as a security feature and anytime someone opens or moves that door the pi will sound an alarm and send an sms (text message) notification.


- Raspberry Pi with OS installed
- ADXL345 Accelerometer
- Wifi dongle
- A breadboard/T-cobbler with male to male jumper cables OR female jumper cables only
- A power bank
- Speaker with 3.5mm connection
- Any case to house the hardware
- Velcro/wall hooks

I am referencing the following tutorial as a guide for my project:


1. If using a breadboard pick a side to attach the accelerometer
2. Using jumper cables (male to male) from accelerometer to breadboard:
    - 3V3 of accelerometer to 3V3 of breadboard
    - Ground of accelerometer to ground of breadboard
    - SCL to SCL
    - SDA to SDA

Accelerometer pin connections:
 - 3.3V
 - GND
 - SCL
 - SDA

Connected accelerometer:

3. Install the accelerometer tools and turn on i2c in the configuration menu of the pi:

A previous image shows the accelerometer wired directly through the breadboard. In my original set up, the sensor was connected to the breadboard with a connected series of pins with the wires then connecting to adjacent spots on the board. For a long time I was having trouble getting the pi to detect my sensor. I was not sure if the sensor was bad or if I was doing something wrong. There seemed to be nobody on the internet who was having the same issue. Suddenly the light came on the sensor as I was attempting to remove it from the breadboard and at that point I realized the pins that came with the sensor were not long enough to connect to the breadboard so I rewired to the above image.

4. Install the adxl345 library to output orientation readings from the rpi:

Example readings from the connected accelerometer:


AWS IoT stands for Amazon Web Service Internet of Things. 
1. Create an Amazon Web Service account and access AWS IoT from the menu:


2. Create a resource named "raspberry_pi":


3. Generate certificate and policy keys in order to connect to the pi:


4. Install Node.js to the pi inside of aws-iot directory:


5. Install the device sdk:

6. Create folder for certification keys inside of aws-iot folder and install Symantec certification file:

7. On the AWS connect the raspberry pi to the service

8. Set up a topic to subscribe to on the AWS which will listen to the RPi for door movement

Messages received to the web service:


1. On the AWS use the SNS link to create a topic

2. Name the topic

3. Add phone number or email address to the service

4. Link phone number or email address to the web service in order to forward messages

SMS alerts:


1. Plug speaker into usb power source and 3.5mm jack of the Pi

*Command to force RPi to output audio through the 3.5mm headphone jack instead of HDMI:

2. Select an alarm mp3 file and save it in the aws-iot folder

3. Code for alarm integration (add to main intrusion detection code file if statement)

Code for intrusion detection with alarm:


Saturday, March 12, 2016


Moving the pi has been very cumbersome because until now I have been using a small TV as my monitor at home with a separate usb keyboard. At, school I use one of the school keyboards and monitor. Connecting and disconnecting the cords has been somewhat of a hassle so I decided to connect my laptop to the raspberry pi on a VNC network. This allows me to display the raspberry pi screen on my laptop with full access to files and features. I read many internet sites and tutorials to accomplish this. It was a fairly straight forward process, and although many small details did cause various problems, I was eventually able to figure it out. I now have a much more compact an movable raspberry pi hardware setup.

The most helpful guide I found to help me with setting up wireless screen sharing on my laptop is here:

and then here(for a mac computer):

In short, steps to set up a VNC network with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse:
1. Connect Raspberry pi to monitor
2. Install tight vnc to the raspberry pi
3. Locate and remember the IP address of your pi
4. Start a vnc session on the pi
5. Install a VNC viewer or screen sharing app on your mac or pc
6. Connect to the VNC server with your computer using the IP address of the pi.

I used the secure shell (SSH) to access the raspberry pi's terminal from the terminal on my mac, however this can all be done directly through the pi with a monitor, mouse, and keyboard attatched.

Steps to set up a VNC network without a monitor:
1. Connect Rpi to laptop through ethernet and usb power
2. Enable internet sharing on your laptop
3. Use the app called Pi Finder to locate the IP address of the raspberry pi
4. SSH into pi console with ssh pi@192.168.x.x(IP address)
Continue with steps 4 an beyond above.